Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Crazy Hair Day/Help from Mom

Today was a glorious day with the littlest gigglepits family member. It was crazy hair day. He wanted to wear his hat with pink hair/braids. He wanted me to wear bunny ears. I forgot them of course because that is the type of imperfect mother i am when it comes to #GigglepitesChildRearing 
Last night as he was very tired, he mentioned he had no friends and he began to cry about it. He loves playing with girls. He identifies with them more than boys. He enjoys many of the same things. He will run and play with the boys too, but he'd rather hang with girls. This is the age where sexes seem to separate more. I decided to go to school to visualize what was happening. 

It WAS happening. The girls weren't into hearing him or talking because he is a boy. ITs not their fault. Its not their parents fault. It just is what it is.  SO, i began to work my magic. I began talking to the other girls and including Theo in the conversation. Trying to teach my son communication and how to make friends. Now, i will never do this again, but I think he needed a visual. 

I know its tough being a kid and feeling different. I always did. Maybe all kids feel different or out of place at one point or another. Maybe that is a part of life. This is ALL part of Mr Gp and I creating our own norm... our own social norm. We've known from when we met that our lives and our relationship was different than our coupled friends. Teaching our children that our norm is different than others and that we should also be accepting of others norms. I just have to keep reminding him to put himself out there. Keep talking. Keep knocking on the door and eventually friendships click. Normal friendships for us.  Normal soul nourishing friendships that help us feel better about who we are as people. Our norm is no better or worse, it just is. We aren't ashamed of who we are and I am trying to teach our boys that in the midst of a time when everyone is encouraged to conform. 
It's tough, but frankly I don't give a damn how tough it is. I will succeed. 

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