Tuesday, April 22, 2014

easter... CHALLENGE?

Here is me. Easter Sunday Bathroom Selfie for Jesus.  I have been off my diet since our family trip to Disney World.  When I say 'diet' i mean giving a damn about what I put in my body. Sometimes I do, and then for whatever reason life happens and I eat my feelings into making me sick. . . Just like an addict does drugs to forget or an alcoholic drinks to forget.  I can kind of say that I'm glad that I don't just LOVE drinking as much as I LOVE eating, but either way, the rode to health is exactly the same in my mind. I had lost around 85 pounds. .  .of which. . this Easter I stepped on the scale and realized that I had gained 15 back.  I'm not mad. I'm not angry. I feel bad because I FEEL unhealthy. SO... with that previous weightloss I went really slow.  I can't even tell you really how long it took but I know it was atleast 6 months.  I am happy I went slow because I don't believe in crazy dieting schemes.  I believe in postitive choices. . . one bite, one movement, one thought at a time. 

if you'd like to start a change with me, just follow along. Leave your comments. I will blog each week as I think within a month.. . one change a week is desirable and doable. 

This weeks challenge is water. 
I loved water. I drank tons of it. All of a sudden, i was not drinking it but consuming coffee and soda (ew).  SO this week I challenge all of you to drink 64 ounces of water a day (that means 32 by 1 p.m.). Whats the trick you ask?? If you drink one cup of coffee (8 oz) then you have to add another 8 0z of water... I know.. i'm like a Dictator.  

I'm doing this task this week. I am holding myself accountable for water...

I am ready to begin.  This week.  

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