Sunday, March 30, 2014

Thinking Spring

Sometimes a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do to get her mind ready for spring. So today i did my nails like I would've had I been going on s sweet springtime date in a beer garden with Mr.Gp.

Oh. . . and brace yourselves. . . I am going to apply self tanner.

And that my friends is what i call making a vodka spritzer out of lemons. ♥♥

Friday, March 28, 2014

dough, toppings, veggies... oh my

In the last month we've had a leaky bathroom that has fallen into a remodel, a dryer that quit working, and now this morning, the transmission dropped out of the family truckster.

its easy for me to say, oh I'm not complaining. I have my health, my soulmate, and my boys. . .


Seriously, I do believe that sometimes in a positive persons mind, even those little negative bugs can jump on and become a flesh eating disease that festers. And its all because of pizza.


Its my favorite food. I love dough. I love cheese. and throw in some veggie toppings and its like Disneyworld in my mouth.

But the former binge eater/ almost 300 pound girl that lives inside my head still is really pissed about the pizza.  You shouldn't eat that. It makes us fat. It makes us sad. It makes us have acne. So then my mind cycles around all of these negative barbs around the damn pizza when in reality.... i ate 3 small slices. The girls I work with and ate lunch with yesterday downed more than I, without an ounce of guilt.

Pizza makes me sick. Mentally sick. I need to remove that from my mind.

I really shouldn't obsess over pizza. My life is full with sooo many other things to obsess over.

This is why Milly shouldn't eat pizza. (lol)

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Crazy Hair Day/Help from Mom

Today was a glorious day with the littlest gigglepits family member. It was crazy hair day. He wanted to wear his hat with pink hair/braids. He wanted me to wear bunny ears. I forgot them of course because that is the type of imperfect mother i am when it comes to #GigglepitesChildRearing 
Last night as he was very tired, he mentioned he had no friends and he began to cry about it. He loves playing with girls. He identifies with them more than boys. He enjoys many of the same things. He will run and play with the boys too, but he'd rather hang with girls. This is the age where sexes seem to separate more. I decided to go to school to visualize what was happening. 

It WAS happening. The girls weren't into hearing him or talking because he is a boy. ITs not their fault. Its not their parents fault. It just is what it is.  SO, i began to work my magic. I began talking to the other girls and including Theo in the conversation. Trying to teach my son communication and how to make friends. Now, i will never do this again, but I think he needed a visual. 

I know its tough being a kid and feeling different. I always did. Maybe all kids feel different or out of place at one point or another. Maybe that is a part of life. This is ALL part of Mr Gp and I creating our own norm... our own social norm. We've known from when we met that our lives and our relationship was different than our coupled friends. Teaching our children that our norm is different than others and that we should also be accepting of others norms. I just have to keep reminding him to put himself out there. Keep talking. Keep knocking on the door and eventually friendships click. Normal friendships for us.  Normal soul nourishing friendships that help us feel better about who we are as people. Our norm is no better or worse, it just is. We aren't ashamed of who we are and I am trying to teach our boys that in the midst of a time when everyone is encouraged to conform. 
It's tough, but frankly I don't give a damn how tough it is. I will succeed. 

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Snow Days. . .Communication Days

Day 11 of snow days.  My children will never get this year of education back. Mother nature is having a hay day with sleetapocolyptisnow.

I have had just about enough of this midwestern crazyballs weather. I am usually pretty positive about our seasonal changes. For instance, I like all of the seasons. winter makes me want to snuggle, fall makes me want to kiss by the fire, spring makes me want to plant flowers and watch pollination, and summer makes me want to dance and swim.

All of this family time has made us talk a ton more, but also, the kids have been watching way to much TV. We've watched some questionable material. Language has been an issue. We were watching some show with videos and it showed a man dry humping and dogs humping. Although it was literally 7 seconds, the kids were dying laughing. We were on vacation and I was dressing in front of Mr Gigglepits. Mr Gigglepits wiggled his eyebrows at me and 10 says, "EWW GROSS."   We laughed and said, "Whats gross?" He then looked at Mr. G and said, "You want to have sex with Mom." I thought I was going to die. I started laughing. I said, "hey, your father loves me and I love him."


We were down at a hotel swimming pool and I asked 10, "Son, what did you mean when you said Dad wanted to have sex with me?"  He got really red in the face. "Mom, I don't know. I just know he wants to kiss you."  I then smiled. "Yes he does son. Do you want to know what sex is?"  He looked at me with so much fear and said, "NO I AM TOO YOUNG MOM!! NOOOOOOO WAAAYYY"and he swam away as fast as he could.

I am thinking that this was a good way to bring it up. He may not want to know now, but I really want my kids to know the importance of a healthy relationship that includes sex. Its important. Healthy marriages have sex. Period. More than 12 times a year. Our children grow up and leave and in the end its just you and your spouse. We must gross out our children. We should be loving parents, but we should also hold hands and cuddle. . . and laugh. . .  and sing like I do everyday with Mr. G. :)