Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Cancer, Fat, Diabetes OH MY!

In this day and age of social media, it is impressive to know that we can have information right at our fingertips.. however, we as Americans are doomed in health. Diabetes, cancer, and other diseases that are at our own control we will all suffer from if we don't take heed.

Now, I'm not trying to play doomsday fairy. I am all about rejoicing in a chocolate cake, a good cheeseburger, and yes. . . a healthy piece of juicy watermelon. Choices. . . see? Its one thing to do it once in a while, its another to do it consistently.  In the past I've lost as much as 85 pounds. . . I carry it well but recently put back 15 of it on. I've began eliminating things slowly.

I eliminated dehydration first. Drinking atleast 64 oz of water every day and replenishing if I drank caffeine.  Its a habit now that I am almost a month in.

Gluten was next. I was feeding our family "whole wheat and whole grain" items and in the end, we were craving more and I personally was suffering with pimples and bloating. My family hasn't completely eliminated it, but when I cook (most of the time) thats what they get.

I am now eliminating ALL carbs from my diet. I need to ELIMINATE FAT.  In order to do that quickly, I am eating nutrient dense protein and veggies. I haven't eliminated dairy yet. I'm still addicted to a couple of servings a day. I miss my fruit, but I will get it back just not in the amounts I was eating it. Our "ill" bodies are conditioned to want sugary salty carby things when we get hungry. So.. its easy to eat through and entire bag of Oreos or chips..

example:  You eat the first Oreo when hungry. Mm thats good. You go to the next.. mm thats good. You continue that it until you finish the whole bag.  You are "full" after the bag to the point of illness but your body is not satisfied. Our bodies are nourished. We don't get nutrients we need. (insert chips if you are a salty craver)

Example: You start into a gorgeous piece of lean beef tenderloin. You chew... you swallow. You continue until  you are full. But you are satisfied! Your body pulls nutrients and it curbs all your other needs. Very caveman like .. yes? YOu may or may not finish your steak depending on whats required.

I am no expert. I don't claim to be. I've read a lot though. I've taken a nutrition class or two... and boy have things and ideas changed since then. I understand it. It makes so much more sense.

I would love to hear what YOU are doing!!!

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