Sunday, May 25, 2014

I am a pretty woman/fairy, you best believe it

I find it interesting that when a girl says she has a problem with her heavier body that people become very uncomfortable then say, "But you are pretty inside and out."

uh . . . duh??? I am 37 year old woman/fairy of course I know I'm pretty! 

Just because I chose and own the fact that I've binged on carbohydrates and added to my overall fatty tissue composition, my risk of diabetes, and cancer does not indicate that I believe I am a bad person or an ugly one at that. 

Long dramatic pause........

Granted, the reason I inhaled carbs was not only physical craving and abuse but mental craving too. Yes there were times when I felt unworthy, unpretty, unperfect, etc... but doesn't everyone? I've got my shit together enough to know that I am a good person and GOD made me beautiful, so I usually don't question it for long nor do I ask for anyone one but my husband and girlfriends on girl night to confirm it as truth. (yes we dress up for each other)

Do you think that someone who is "fit and slender" perhaps... gasp... is not insecure ever??? 

Do you think Mr. or Mrs/Ms Fitbody never looks in the mirror and says, "damn I look rough?"

When Mr/Mrs/Ms Fitbody says, "Ugh, I feel like crud. Maybe they, too, had a cheat day and feel yucky as I do when I do it, " DO you say, "OH?? But you are so pretty inside and out"

I am not uncomfortable with my weight.  One of the lifestyle choices was throwing out the scale, Its a number and i would get so absorbed over it that it would ruin my entire day. I know longer care about my number or a size. What I am most uncomfortable with is how I feel.... physically..biologically.. inside. Before I started I felt sluggish, my stomach always hurt, i was always hungry, never satisfied, I felt like I was never going to have energy to even be a wife and a mother let alone a fairy. 

SO my series of life choices seriously starting with throwing out the scale and drinking all of my water and replenishing the caffeinated beverages that I drank with more water (8 oz of caffeine in adds 8 more oz of water). I've felt sooo much better. I did notice the physical change, but I'm more excited that I feel so much better. My entire goal is for people to open their minds to feeling better vs using gimmicks and tricks. 

Life is not a gimmick or a trick. Its a series of behaviors that make memories and connections with other souls. With social media, we connect all over the world. I love that because we are never alone in our thoughts are needs and our worries and fears.  

When I share, its not for me, its for someone like me. . . fairies, unicorns, trolls, ogres, mermaids, and ligers alike. .

*flutters wings*

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