Sunday, April 27, 2014

Challenge, week 2

So. Did you suRvive water week?? I barely did. I made it 4 out of 7 days.  The point for me?? The days that I work I find i don't take care of myself at all. Its like I'm on another planet when it comes to me.  Totally different person. That goes with diet as well. So... whats the first meal I can change daily??

on days i work, i tend to grab something small. 
SO small, that combined with the coffee can totally screw up my glucose levels and make me ravenous all damn day.  So this weeks challenge is this.  
Continue with water, eliminate GLUTEN, and make a HOT breakfast every day.

Taking the time to fuel myself prior to a long day hour is important. Gluten is bad period. It makes me bloated and brain fuzzy. 
Midweek I will post my consumption. 

Be happy  be kind  be healthy. 


Tuesday, April 22, 2014

easter... CHALLENGE?

Here is me. Easter Sunday Bathroom Selfie for Jesus.  I have been off my diet since our family trip to Disney World.  When I say 'diet' i mean giving a damn about what I put in my body. Sometimes I do, and then for whatever reason life happens and I eat my feelings into making me sick. . . Just like an addict does drugs to forget or an alcoholic drinks to forget.  I can kind of say that I'm glad that I don't just LOVE drinking as much as I LOVE eating, but either way, the rode to health is exactly the same in my mind. I had lost around 85 pounds. .  .of which. . this Easter I stepped on the scale and realized that I had gained 15 back.  I'm not mad. I'm not angry. I feel bad because I FEEL unhealthy. SO... with that previous weightloss I went really slow.  I can't even tell you really how long it took but I know it was atleast 6 months.  I am happy I went slow because I don't believe in crazy dieting schemes.  I believe in postitive choices. . . one bite, one movement, one thought at a time. 

if you'd like to start a change with me, just follow along. Leave your comments. I will blog each week as I think within a month.. . one change a week is desirable and doable. 

This weeks challenge is water. 
I loved water. I drank tons of it. All of a sudden, i was not drinking it but consuming coffee and soda (ew).  SO this week I challenge all of you to drink 64 ounces of water a day (that means 32 by 1 p.m.). Whats the trick you ask?? If you drink one cup of coffee (8 oz) then you have to add another 8 0z of water... I know.. i'm like a Dictator.  

I'm doing this task this week. I am holding myself accountable for water...

I am ready to begin.  This week.  

Thursday, April 17, 2014


Mr is very very very introverted. He does not like social media. I agree. I hate it and love it all at once.  He has repeatedly told me, "I don't want to be part of your social media fodder."

I understand. He doesn't like compliments. He doesn't love to be told he is doing something well without making a dig onto himself afterwords.  He is the greatest man I've ever known. His love is SO big it hurts.  

I love him more today than the day I married him. I enjoy the roller coaster. OUR roller coaster. I've been a fuck up and hard to deal with at times. He tells me so.  He does so in a way that doesn't put me down, because usually when I'm doing it I'm hurting inside anyway. He does it in a way to pull me through it. 

Yesterday we were walking through a store. As usually the kids were swarming around him like flies on horses. They were running in front of him, bouncing off of him, and practically tripping him.  All of this in giggly hysterics as they were just having fun with their Dad. . . Their Father. . . their Male Role Model. . . their Mom's Husband. 

A woman stopped and smiled and said,  "I like him He has fun with his kids."  I said, "I like him, too." She said, "You keep him, girl. You better keep him."  
I do believe I will Mr., I do believe I will. 

Saturday, April 12, 2014

A Night in Nashville

One of my close friends travels all of the time. She has asked me to go with her to all kinds of places: Italy, Greece,  New York, and Las Vegas to name a few. Now being a married mother its just not that easy to drop everything and go.  I have also gone back to work full time which has jumbled our household a bit too. So taking this weekend was a guilty break.

Last night we traveled up and down Broadway, encountered many live bands that coincidentally played all of the same songs. It was soo incredibly crowded in each place thus the pic. Our maturity is showing as we were met with drunken people pushing us around most of the night and neither of us were happy about that.

The best part of these trips is our laughter. Between the girl talk and the people watching, so much laughter.

Friday, April 4, 2014

conversation connection

How openly do you really talk with people?  We are all guilty of superficial converstaion.

How's the weather?
How are you?
How's work?

All actual questions that usually people answer half heartedly. They don't want to "burden" you with their real truth. I wonder what would happen if we all truly said how we felt and really connected with each conversation?

I have many friends, but only a few that I would consider close. I wonder if I actually have TIME to be a true friend to each of the people that I meet. I doubt it, but these are things that ramble through my head tonight as I drive home from a girls trip.

Selfie City

I, once again, have decided to do one of those silly little social media Monthly Photo Challenges. This one is for obviously April.  You take one photo a day and its really cool because you can see what others perspective is on the theme.  Today's theme really hit home for me, but first, let me catch you up.

Day 1 #Selfie

Obviously, this is me. Doing my taxes in my STL Tea Party shirt. yes boobs too.

Day 2 #SomethingPink

At the age of Thirtysomething, i have a fascination with Hello Kitty and I have a T-shirt collections as well. A collection of two t-shirts is what I have but yes, a collection. 

Day 3 #Handwriting

Self Explanatory

Day 4 #BlackAndWhite

This is my youngest. My caption was,
 "Some days are really black and white. Some days there are shades. Minimalist approach can be a good thing. Like this morning."

Today's challenge really reminded me that taking each day and accepting it as what it is. It's just one day. Its one moment in time. I turned off the radio and talked with my son about his morning and what he was looking forward to at school. In a time when I am totally addicted to social media, it was really a smack in the face.  I am obsessed with wanting to touch others and helping others. Social media has helped that need, but at what expense to my children and MrGp?  I have really been making an effort to put my phone away. I don't have to capture everything in photo.  What my kids will remember is me being present without my phone in my hand. 

I am looking forward to tomorrows "challenge" . . its weather!  So I am sure I will find some narcissistic selfie way to adequately portray weather. :)