Wednesday, August 6, 2014


Some days I worry.

I worry like no other and the world feels as though its collapsing on me. When it comes to my children, sometimes the weight of motherhood is so heavy I feel like a little ant holding up a watermelon. Balancing good decisions along with a slue of horrible ones is something I struggle with daily.

Could I have handled it differently?
Am I giving everything the attention it needs?

What does it all come down to?

The feeling of being good enough. The bondage in my mind that surrounds my head is Am I good enough? Do I deserve these perfect kids? Do I deserve this man of mine? I have a huge fear of success. Huge. Big. Mega. Why? Never feeling like I deserve what I work for.

It is a cycle. I work hard. Good comes out of it and then the feeling of not being good enough to deserve my reward. Why is my brain conditioned in this manner? I would never allow my kids to feel poorly about hard work and efforts and obtaining a goal. This has to stop. Soon.

Why do I write this? Not for a tug boat full of sympathy, but to let it out for me. a good purge hoping to get it out into the universe and to empty only to fill up on whats good again.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Summer Adventures ONE and TWO

This is a summer of fun. I am committing to non boredom. Most moms are having their babies create wish lists and posters of things to do. I think thats a fantastic idea. As I am now working full time, I am now going to have to be more creative with time than ever. I run a home business, I full time wife and parent, and I have a career that keeps me extraordinarily busy. I also like to "not have a schedule" with my family as I am lazy and sometimes I just want to drink coffee and dream. 

Our first summer adventure was at a request of a friend with a much older child and one that is 10. She said 10 had been begging her for zoo time. I said, "We're in." My 10 hates the zoo as we wore him out on it when he was about 18 months. Too bad, we are going anyway because I'm the mom that's why. 

So we went, we laughed and we ate treats and it was awesomesauce. 

Adventure number two was impromptu. "Hey ya wanna go to the lake and boat with us?" says my favorite mermaid friend. 
(i do realize that i am mixing species here as that i am a fairy and she is a mermaid but it works for us don't judge) 

So I introduced my family to hers. We didn't get there until almost 530. Summer in our state, the nights are long and beautiful.... and buggy. 

The kids enjoyed meeting and making new friends. We helped fix a boat . . . well.. i don't know if I helped as I was too busy talking. . but I was there so that counts. An hour later it was time to tube. The sun was setting, not a boat in sight at Carlyle Lake Eldon Hazlet State Recreation Area 

We were literally on vacation. No worries. Just treats, water, breezes, and happiness. It was a good memory for the books. We enjoyed it and obviously they did too. 

Friday, May 30, 2014

Those days

today was one of THOSE days.

Not feeling well, I was foul to everyone around me. My kids were in foul moods because of it. . . And I am sure Mr was trying to hold it together.

It was one of those days. . . And to be honest, while everyone was sleeping i asked for forgiveness to the Lord, because I really feel so low that I can only look up.

Thanks hormones!



Sunday, May 25, 2014

I am a pretty woman/fairy, you best believe it

I find it interesting that when a girl says she has a problem with her heavier body that people become very uncomfortable then say, "But you are pretty inside and out."

uh . . . duh??? I am 37 year old woman/fairy of course I know I'm pretty! 

Just because I chose and own the fact that I've binged on carbohydrates and added to my overall fatty tissue composition, my risk of diabetes, and cancer does not indicate that I believe I am a bad person or an ugly one at that. 

Long dramatic pause........

Granted, the reason I inhaled carbs was not only physical craving and abuse but mental craving too. Yes there were times when I felt unworthy, unpretty, unperfect, etc... but doesn't everyone? I've got my shit together enough to know that I am a good person and GOD made me beautiful, so I usually don't question it for long nor do I ask for anyone one but my husband and girlfriends on girl night to confirm it as truth. (yes we dress up for each other)

Do you think that someone who is "fit and slender" perhaps... gasp... is not insecure ever??? 

Do you think Mr. or Mrs/Ms Fitbody never looks in the mirror and says, "damn I look rough?"

When Mr/Mrs/Ms Fitbody says, "Ugh, I feel like crud. Maybe they, too, had a cheat day and feel yucky as I do when I do it, " DO you say, "OH?? But you are so pretty inside and out"

I am not uncomfortable with my weight.  One of the lifestyle choices was throwing out the scale, Its a number and i would get so absorbed over it that it would ruin my entire day. I know longer care about my number or a size. What I am most uncomfortable with is how I feel.... physically..biologically.. inside. Before I started I felt sluggish, my stomach always hurt, i was always hungry, never satisfied, I felt like I was never going to have energy to even be a wife and a mother let alone a fairy. 

SO my series of life choices seriously starting with throwing out the scale and drinking all of my water and replenishing the caffeinated beverages that I drank with more water (8 oz of caffeine in adds 8 more oz of water). I've felt sooo much better. I did notice the physical change, but I'm more excited that I feel so much better. My entire goal is for people to open their minds to feeling better vs using gimmicks and tricks. 

Life is not a gimmick or a trick. Its a series of behaviors that make memories and connections with other souls. With social media, we connect all over the world. I love that because we are never alone in our thoughts are needs and our worries and fears.  

When I share, its not for me, its for someone like me. . . fairies, unicorns, trolls, ogres, mermaids, and ligers alike. .

*flutters wings*

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Cancer, Fat, Diabetes OH MY!

In this day and age of social media, it is impressive to know that we can have information right at our fingertips.. however, we as Americans are doomed in health. Diabetes, cancer, and other diseases that are at our own control we will all suffer from if we don't take heed.

Now, I'm not trying to play doomsday fairy. I am all about rejoicing in a chocolate cake, a good cheeseburger, and yes. . . a healthy piece of juicy watermelon. Choices. . . see? Its one thing to do it once in a while, its another to do it consistently.  In the past I've lost as much as 85 pounds. . . I carry it well but recently put back 15 of it on. I've began eliminating things slowly.

I eliminated dehydration first. Drinking atleast 64 oz of water every day and replenishing if I drank caffeine.  Its a habit now that I am almost a month in.

Gluten was next. I was feeding our family "whole wheat and whole grain" items and in the end, we were craving more and I personally was suffering with pimples and bloating. My family hasn't completely eliminated it, but when I cook (most of the time) thats what they get.

I am now eliminating ALL carbs from my diet. I need to ELIMINATE FAT.  In order to do that quickly, I am eating nutrient dense protein and veggies. I haven't eliminated dairy yet. I'm still addicted to a couple of servings a day. I miss my fruit, but I will get it back just not in the amounts I was eating it. Our "ill" bodies are conditioned to want sugary salty carby things when we get hungry. So.. its easy to eat through and entire bag of Oreos or chips..

example:  You eat the first Oreo when hungry. Mm thats good. You go to the next.. mm thats good. You continue that it until you finish the whole bag.  You are "full" after the bag to the point of illness but your body is not satisfied. Our bodies are nourished. We don't get nutrients we need. (insert chips if you are a salty craver)

Example: You start into a gorgeous piece of lean beef tenderloin. You chew... you swallow. You continue until  you are full. But you are satisfied! Your body pulls nutrients and it curbs all your other needs. Very caveman like .. yes? YOu may or may not finish your steak depending on whats required.

I am no expert. I don't claim to be. I've read a lot though. I've taken a nutrition class or two... and boy have things and ideas changed since then. I understand it. It makes so much more sense.

I would love to hear what YOU are doing!!!

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Food prep

I am doing exceptionally well with my water intake. If i have any caffeine, i as extra. I am feeling great about this. I weaned off and have officially eliminated gluten as of today. I'm still eating carbs, but gf ones.  This weeks challenge is to always be prepared and to eat three meals and one snack with nothing after seven. It's time for my late night snacking to stop.  I will not eat out this week. I bought groceries and I prepared by writing out dinners for the nights I cook. I even through a pizza in, but a healthy one, promise. :)

"Food prep is hard" my husband said as he looked at my bloody gouged out finger. Hey, what's the saying no pain no gain?

So I encourage you to continue with water, prepare, and no eating after seven p.m.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Challenge, week 2

So. Did you suRvive water week?? I barely did. I made it 4 out of 7 days.  The point for me?? The days that I work I find i don't take care of myself at all. Its like I'm on another planet when it comes to me.  Totally different person. That goes with diet as well. So... whats the first meal I can change daily??

on days i work, i tend to grab something small. 
SO small, that combined with the coffee can totally screw up my glucose levels and make me ravenous all damn day.  So this weeks challenge is this.  
Continue with water, eliminate GLUTEN, and make a HOT breakfast every day.

Taking the time to fuel myself prior to a long day hour is important. Gluten is bad period. It makes me bloated and brain fuzzy. 
Midweek I will post my consumption. 

Be happy  be kind  be healthy. 


Tuesday, April 22, 2014

easter... CHALLENGE?

Here is me. Easter Sunday Bathroom Selfie for Jesus.  I have been off my diet since our family trip to Disney World.  When I say 'diet' i mean giving a damn about what I put in my body. Sometimes I do, and then for whatever reason life happens and I eat my feelings into making me sick. . . Just like an addict does drugs to forget or an alcoholic drinks to forget.  I can kind of say that I'm glad that I don't just LOVE drinking as much as I LOVE eating, but either way, the rode to health is exactly the same in my mind. I had lost around 85 pounds. .  .of which. . this Easter I stepped on the scale and realized that I had gained 15 back.  I'm not mad. I'm not angry. I feel bad because I FEEL unhealthy. SO... with that previous weightloss I went really slow.  I can't even tell you really how long it took but I know it was atleast 6 months.  I am happy I went slow because I don't believe in crazy dieting schemes.  I believe in postitive choices. . . one bite, one movement, one thought at a time. 

if you'd like to start a change with me, just follow along. Leave your comments. I will blog each week as I think within a month.. . one change a week is desirable and doable. 

This weeks challenge is water. 
I loved water. I drank tons of it. All of a sudden, i was not drinking it but consuming coffee and soda (ew).  SO this week I challenge all of you to drink 64 ounces of water a day (that means 32 by 1 p.m.). Whats the trick you ask?? If you drink one cup of coffee (8 oz) then you have to add another 8 0z of water... I know.. i'm like a Dictator.  

I'm doing this task this week. I am holding myself accountable for water...

I am ready to begin.  This week.  

Thursday, April 17, 2014


Mr is very very very introverted. He does not like social media. I agree. I hate it and love it all at once.  He has repeatedly told me, "I don't want to be part of your social media fodder."

I understand. He doesn't like compliments. He doesn't love to be told he is doing something well without making a dig onto himself afterwords.  He is the greatest man I've ever known. His love is SO big it hurts.  

I love him more today than the day I married him. I enjoy the roller coaster. OUR roller coaster. I've been a fuck up and hard to deal with at times. He tells me so.  He does so in a way that doesn't put me down, because usually when I'm doing it I'm hurting inside anyway. He does it in a way to pull me through it. 

Yesterday we were walking through a store. As usually the kids were swarming around him like flies on horses. They were running in front of him, bouncing off of him, and practically tripping him.  All of this in giggly hysterics as they were just having fun with their Dad. . . Their Father. . . their Male Role Model. . . their Mom's Husband. 

A woman stopped and smiled and said,  "I like him He has fun with his kids."  I said, "I like him, too." She said, "You keep him, girl. You better keep him."  
I do believe I will Mr., I do believe I will. 

Saturday, April 12, 2014

A Night in Nashville

One of my close friends travels all of the time. She has asked me to go with her to all kinds of places: Italy, Greece,  New York, and Las Vegas to name a few. Now being a married mother its just not that easy to drop everything and go.  I have also gone back to work full time which has jumbled our household a bit too. So taking this weekend was a guilty break.

Last night we traveled up and down Broadway, encountered many live bands that coincidentally played all of the same songs. It was soo incredibly crowded in each place thus the pic. Our maturity is showing as we were met with drunken people pushing us around most of the night and neither of us were happy about that.

The best part of these trips is our laughter. Between the girl talk and the people watching, so much laughter.

Friday, April 4, 2014

conversation connection

How openly do you really talk with people?  We are all guilty of superficial converstaion.

How's the weather?
How are you?
How's work?

All actual questions that usually people answer half heartedly. They don't want to "burden" you with their real truth. I wonder what would happen if we all truly said how we felt and really connected with each conversation?

I have many friends, but only a few that I would consider close. I wonder if I actually have TIME to be a true friend to each of the people that I meet. I doubt it, but these are things that ramble through my head tonight as I drive home from a girls trip.

Selfie City

I, once again, have decided to do one of those silly little social media Monthly Photo Challenges. This one is for obviously April.  You take one photo a day and its really cool because you can see what others perspective is on the theme.  Today's theme really hit home for me, but first, let me catch you up.

Day 1 #Selfie

Obviously, this is me. Doing my taxes in my STL Tea Party shirt. yes boobs too.

Day 2 #SomethingPink

At the age of Thirtysomething, i have a fascination with Hello Kitty and I have a T-shirt collections as well. A collection of two t-shirts is what I have but yes, a collection. 

Day 3 #Handwriting

Self Explanatory

Day 4 #BlackAndWhite

This is my youngest. My caption was,
 "Some days are really black and white. Some days there are shades. Minimalist approach can be a good thing. Like this morning."

Today's challenge really reminded me that taking each day and accepting it as what it is. It's just one day. Its one moment in time. I turned off the radio and talked with my son about his morning and what he was looking forward to at school. In a time when I am totally addicted to social media, it was really a smack in the face.  I am obsessed with wanting to touch others and helping others. Social media has helped that need, but at what expense to my children and MrGp?  I have really been making an effort to put my phone away. I don't have to capture everything in photo.  What my kids will remember is me being present without my phone in my hand. 

I am looking forward to tomorrows "challenge" . . its weather!  So I am sure I will find some narcissistic selfie way to adequately portray weather. :)

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Thinking Spring

Sometimes a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do to get her mind ready for spring. So today i did my nails like I would've had I been going on s sweet springtime date in a beer garden with Mr.Gp.

Oh. . . and brace yourselves. . . I am going to apply self tanner.

And that my friends is what i call making a vodka spritzer out of lemons. ♥♥

Friday, March 28, 2014

dough, toppings, veggies... oh my

In the last month we've had a leaky bathroom that has fallen into a remodel, a dryer that quit working, and now this morning, the transmission dropped out of the family truckster.

its easy for me to say, oh I'm not complaining. I have my health, my soulmate, and my boys. . .


Seriously, I do believe that sometimes in a positive persons mind, even those little negative bugs can jump on and become a flesh eating disease that festers. And its all because of pizza.


Its my favorite food. I love dough. I love cheese. and throw in some veggie toppings and its like Disneyworld in my mouth.

But the former binge eater/ almost 300 pound girl that lives inside my head still is really pissed about the pizza.  You shouldn't eat that. It makes us fat. It makes us sad. It makes us have acne. So then my mind cycles around all of these negative barbs around the damn pizza when in reality.... i ate 3 small slices. The girls I work with and ate lunch with yesterday downed more than I, without an ounce of guilt.

Pizza makes me sick. Mentally sick. I need to remove that from my mind.

I really shouldn't obsess over pizza. My life is full with sooo many other things to obsess over.

This is why Milly shouldn't eat pizza. (lol)

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Crazy Hair Day/Help from Mom

Today was a glorious day with the littlest gigglepits family member. It was crazy hair day. He wanted to wear his hat with pink hair/braids. He wanted me to wear bunny ears. I forgot them of course because that is the type of imperfect mother i am when it comes to #GigglepitesChildRearing 
Last night as he was very tired, he mentioned he had no friends and he began to cry about it. He loves playing with girls. He identifies with them more than boys. He enjoys many of the same things. He will run and play with the boys too, but he'd rather hang with girls. This is the age where sexes seem to separate more. I decided to go to school to visualize what was happening. 

It WAS happening. The girls weren't into hearing him or talking because he is a boy. ITs not their fault. Its not their parents fault. It just is what it is.  SO, i began to work my magic. I began talking to the other girls and including Theo in the conversation. Trying to teach my son communication and how to make friends. Now, i will never do this again, but I think he needed a visual. 

I know its tough being a kid and feeling different. I always did. Maybe all kids feel different or out of place at one point or another. Maybe that is a part of life. This is ALL part of Mr Gp and I creating our own norm... our own social norm. We've known from when we met that our lives and our relationship was different than our coupled friends. Teaching our children that our norm is different than others and that we should also be accepting of others norms. I just have to keep reminding him to put himself out there. Keep talking. Keep knocking on the door and eventually friendships click. Normal friendships for us.  Normal soul nourishing friendships that help us feel better about who we are as people. Our norm is no better or worse, it just is. We aren't ashamed of who we are and I am trying to teach our boys that in the midst of a time when everyone is encouraged to conform. 
It's tough, but frankly I don't give a damn how tough it is. I will succeed. 

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Snow Days. . .Communication Days

Day 11 of snow days.  My children will never get this year of education back. Mother nature is having a hay day with sleetapocolyptisnow.

I have had just about enough of this midwestern crazyballs weather. I am usually pretty positive about our seasonal changes. For instance, I like all of the seasons. winter makes me want to snuggle, fall makes me want to kiss by the fire, spring makes me want to plant flowers and watch pollination, and summer makes me want to dance and swim.

All of this family time has made us talk a ton more, but also, the kids have been watching way to much TV. We've watched some questionable material. Language has been an issue. We were watching some show with videos and it showed a man dry humping and dogs humping. Although it was literally 7 seconds, the kids were dying laughing. We were on vacation and I was dressing in front of Mr Gigglepits. Mr Gigglepits wiggled his eyebrows at me and 10 says, "EWW GROSS."   We laughed and said, "Whats gross?" He then looked at Mr. G and said, "You want to have sex with Mom." I thought I was going to die. I started laughing. I said, "hey, your father loves me and I love him."


We were down at a hotel swimming pool and I asked 10, "Son, what did you mean when you said Dad wanted to have sex with me?"  He got really red in the face. "Mom, I don't know. I just know he wants to kiss you."  I then smiled. "Yes he does son. Do you want to know what sex is?"  He looked at me with so much fear and said, "NO I AM TOO YOUNG MOM!! NOOOOOOO WAAAYYY"and he swam away as fast as he could.

I am thinking that this was a good way to bring it up. He may not want to know now, but I really want my kids to know the importance of a healthy relationship that includes sex. Its important. Healthy marriages have sex. Period. More than 12 times a year. Our children grow up and leave and in the end its just you and your spouse. We must gross out our children. We should be loving parents, but we should also hold hands and cuddle. . . and laugh. . .  and sing like I do everyday with Mr. G. :)

Friday, February 7, 2014


Family vacations are absolutely a necessity of life. Free from electronics and the burdens of daily life, we really learned a lot about one another. We had so many seemingly meaningless conversations but they mean the entire world to those two little spawn brains. We went to DisneyWorld by way of Atlanta. Yes we drove. The kids were excited by each state border we found. The littlest kept saying how beautiful the mountains were while our eldest was more excited about cityscapes.  Really, the highlights of our trip didnt even take place in the Disney Parks but in the car and hotel rooms.

Seven learned that he could call ten a doodyhead while he was in ear buds and he would not receive any backlash. .

Ten loved Atlanta. Big buildings. The Georgia dome. The traffic. He enjoyed jumping  from bed to bed in the hotel room. He also learned that in Georgia the last word of each sentence is not completely pronounced.  It tends to drop off.

Kids still getting along. It was crazy. I cant believe after that long of a time period with in your face stimulation, these boys never fought.

So many other things, but two of my fave kidisms:

Seven: Dad when you snore in the hotel you wake everyone up. So tonight try to snore in your head, okay?

Ten: Mom, if you work more you will get paid more, right? *yes honey*
Well we should move here. There is a ton of work here in Tennessee. :) Dentistry he noticed way to many mouths in Tennessee.

I loved this trip and I can't wait for the next.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Social Climber

You see them rollin' . . they hatin'. . .

or really. . . they are everyone's bff.

The Social Climber.

Now I live in a small town that is growing. There are old town people and new townies. I personally like the blend and the growth. I love culture. I love small town feel. I love big city feel. Fortunately I live about 20 minutes outside of a large city. I can be out in cow pasture quicker than Yadier Molina can run the bases as Busch Stadium during a grand slam. yes. . friends... St. Louis, MO by way of Illinois.

I am finding this weird thing happening right now. My friend, Dana, established the term "Cul de Sac Cougar."  We've all seen them. Some of us may even be guilty of it. The woman that sits in her driveway sipping wine and gossiping and bitching about her husband, another neighbor, or even her best girlfriend to anyone who will listen. The one you see everywhere with different people every night. She is the one who will smile in your face then turn around and say something about you to someone else if it means gaining a friend.

The truth is, I was one of these people. Why? Because I hated me. It wasn't that there was something wrong with others, but I felt others were to good to truly accept me and be my friend. It took me some self healing and a smack in the face when I was gossiping to really pull my shit together.  I spoke of a woman that really pissed me off. I spoke freely to some mutual friends who had admitted from time to time that this woman pissed them off too. . . so I joined in the girls gross gossip club. . . but then guess what happened?

wait for it. . .

ALL of these women went back and told the woman everything I had said and seemed to have omitted their own verbal vomit.  I've apologized to the woman. I'm a grownup like that. I'm glad my conscious is clear and from that point on I vowed never to speak ill of someone rather to actually voice the problem specifically to the person.  I know, big girl panties, right?

SO. . now that my eyes are open, the social climbing that is happening is ridiculous! I don't know EVERYONE in my town, but when I have to introduce myself to someone 5 times and each time the person acts as if its the first time I've met them? What gives?  I never forget a face. I sometimes forget names but never a face.  Is it because you don't find me interesting? Is it because you don't find that knowing me will be helpful to you at some point?  I am intentional when engaging in conversations with people. Touch, eye contact, tone of voice, all of which used to make a connection. I walk away with something with every new meeting. I view meeting new people as a GODSEND.  It was intentional. It was a gift. Its either me showing them something or them showing me something. Never listening to the big superficial gripes about spouses and others, but true communication about themselves . I believe its the universes way of showing me how small I am in a big world and really. . . I'm okay with small. Small groups. Small family. Small town. No ladders to climb but rather step stools.

Saturday, February 1, 2014


The strongest have seen a personal hell. They are survivors. They walk through the decay and crumbled ruins only to show their beautiful smiles as they carry loved ones with them. They see not the wreckage around them, but the beauty in what will be. So if a woman gives you attitude, suspect that its where she came from. Help change her vision of where she is going. Give her a map that shows a different path of greatness.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014


There are some songs in life that if you don't have a memory attached to it you have no soul. I would consider myself fortunate to grow up in the era that I did. I went from 80s hair bands, boys bands, grunge, to R&B. On the way home Skid Row's "I Remember You" came on the radio. I was singing along lightly and the next thing I know. . .boom. . . I was transcended through time. The volume of the radio went up, my hair got really really big, I looked down and I was wearing painted on leather pants on my spender thighs, and my off-key voice screeched loud and proud. 

Saturday, January 25, 2014

I am so tired of the negativity that seems to be crippling my friends and family lately. I know they say misery loves company, but my GOD, what does it get you? We expect to feed one another to a point.

"I hate my thighs."... You have great thighs. (begging for compliments)
"I have a hangnail." ... It's red and infected. It's probably MRSA. (i'm dying)

Seriously folks.. What gives? I refuse to wallow in everyones snark for a while. I know I am a pretty positive person and my mind is easily swayed by a tornado of negative emotion. Sometimes I feel like I am standing in the eye of a hurricane. The negative people around me sobbing, crying, yelling about their lives and their "oh my god the world is falling" around them and I am standing in the calm center saying, "YEAH. . . but look where we are going! This could be great!!!"

I don't know if its the fact that I've gone through some pretty heavy situations over the last couple of years (really my entire life but who's keeping tabs), but I am living a life of gratitude right now. Grateful for EVERYTHING good and "bad."  Sometimes the bad isn't bad at all.

My kids give me a lot of hope and outlook.  They don't see all of the problems. They are just living the dream.  I am now living the life I imagined. Free from judgement of others from the amount of money I make, the kind of car I drive, what I do for a living, who my family is, how much I weigh, if I have a damn pimple and I'm not wearing makeup in public. My happiness is deep. My positive outlook doesn't just sit on my skin, but radiates in and out of my body and hopefully touching others (in my mind). Once I learned to love myself and be free from worry,  I began truly living.

Friday, January 24, 2014

FingerGunFriday = Quality Time Social Media Post

Mr is working the afternoon shift. One of the benefits of having a shift working husband is the creative quality time we have. For example, today we had a picnic on the floor while I've been watching Dexter and doing laundry. He has been scrolling the ipad for the latest and greatest camera gizmos. (seriously I don't understand his obsession with photo lenses but whatever they make him happy) We've hugged. We've cuddled. We've laughed. We've made future plans.  All perfect for a quality time love for one another. He is my soulmate. . . imperfect and perfect in everyway. 

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Full Moon or Zombie Apocalypse

A gorgeous full moon this eve. So many crazy things today:

*Makeup and Hair went together nicely.
*I hit all green lights into work.
*All four wheels worked on my shopping cart.
*I was left with a full toilet paper roll in each bathroom I went to.
*Children listened.
*No toothpaste left in the sink by said children.
*Boss laughed at my musings (to be described in a later blog)
*Scaredy cat patient wasn't so scaredy.
*I am Premenstrual and I am not Bitchy at all today.

Cheers to that! Yay full moon!!

Sunday, January 12, 2014


Hi, my name is Milly and I like everything in excess. I am a social media whore, a lover of quite time, and pervayer of food, wine, beer, and vodka.

It is Saturday night and of course, Mr is at work as he works nights and weekends for our family.  That means just the kids and I for dinner. Popcorn anywone?

Adventures of Milly, Mr and the Spawn. . . Scene 1 Acts 1-4

Today ended and incredibly long snow week. Snowpocalypse 2014 hit our family hard  this week. Our spawn had no school so Mr and I were at home

With the spawn. . .

Snowed in. . .

For a week. . .

Today is Sunday. I looked at Mr. and said, "I really wish I could work 70 hours this week." Mr looked at me and in true Mr. form started packing sandwiches and chips. He yelled downstairs, "Kids get dressed and put your Ipods away! We are going somewhere!" Spawns 10 and 7 asked their usual:

"Are we going to Chuck E. Cheese?"
"Are we going to play Laser tag?"

I have to admit. . I was praying it was outdoors. It was still rather chilly and windy but it was S.U.N.N.Y. and we were all looking rather gothic with our winter tans.

Mr. grabbed his camera and he took us to the Melvin Price Locks and Dam in East Alton, Illinois. He told the spawn, "You guys may curse today only. You may say dam but make sure you are pointing at the dam when you say it. Mkay?" The spawn smiled like vibrant happy little smurfs seeing their happy songs.

After a view of some boat breaking up the ice and looking out at the seagulls. We trucked over to the Audubon Center at Riverlands in West Alton, MO.

We did get to see a bald eagle up close and personal handled by a woman who stated she's loved eagles since she was a little girl and that this was her dream job. Have you ever heard how owners begin to resemble their pets? Yes. . .she was an eagle looking woman. Attractive yes. . .but in an eagle sort of way. I told Mr that an eagle must've been her spirit animal. SpawnT decided then that he wanted to be someone's pet. Preteen SpawnC rolled his eyes and said it was time to get him something to drink.

We loaded into the family truckster and headed home. This was a great short adventure for us.

PS .    Currently trying to figure out my spirit animal.